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MD. Taibur Rahman Khan


CSL is dedicated to improving its customer’s profitability by providing high quality service at a competitive rate. CSL maintain relationships with number of carriers, making it possible to ensure the movement of your cargo at the earliest in a most economical manner. Any where in the world, CSL can move your shipment, whether you are importing or exporting.

We always constantly track and follow up closely the customers purchase order to expedite the shipment until delivery. Since long time of experience in the industry has taught up one thing that our customers require a full range of supplementary services to ensure that our client’s shipments are forwarded speedily and safely. With cargo/shipments sent to all over the globe everyday, CSL has established close working relations with most of the Air/Sea carriers operating to and from Bangladesh. These long standing connections instantly gain edge in cargo uplift and in time saving, especially during seasons of high demand for space.


Today’s business environment is dynamic. Due to the multitude of products, expanding customer base and network of partners, logistics function has become increasingly complex and critical in meeting the needs of the industry. CSL Cargo from its inception is committed to its services. We are based on Qatar and have branches all over the world.
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25+ Years

We have more than years of experience

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About Company

Digital & Trusted Transport Logistic Company

Praesent at maximus quam. Aliquam erat velit, commodo eu sollicitudin in, fermentum non lectus. Mauris vestibulum consequat elit et tristique. Vestibulum vitae nunc nec mauris fermentum fringilla. Pellentesque a augue tellus.

Global Service

We always provide people a complete solution focused of any business.

Local Service

Nam eget convallis neque. Sed porta eleifend posuere integer posuere purus.


Parcel Delivered


Total Branch


Satisfied Clients


Delivered Packages



cargo mission refers to the purpose or objective of transporting goods or freight from one location to another. It involves the logistics and operations involved in ensuring the safe and efficient transportation of cargo.


vision of a cargo mission could be the desired future state or outcome that the mission aims to achieve. It provides a clear picture of what the mission aspires to accomplish in terms of cargo transportation.


value in a cargo mission refers to the benefits and advantages it brings to various stakeholders involved. These stakeholders can include the customers, businesses, employees, and communities .

Our Goodness

What Make Us Special

Quisque eu nisi augue. Integer nisl neque, cursus in suscipit sit amet, aliquet eu nisl. Duis ut felis mollis malesuada nunc ut.

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What People and Clients Think About Us?

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; finibus malesuada.

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